In the afternoon of December 2nd Elon Musk, in collaboration with left-wing journalist Matt Taibbi, released a long Twitter thread with details of collusion between Twitter and the Democrat party to suppress a NY Post story exposing Hunter Biden’s alleged cooperation with foreign enemies.
In the Twitter thread there were exposed screenshots of emails between Twitter executives, employees, and many politicians from both the right and the left.

This story has exposed the fact that while both political parties have worked with Twitter to remove content, it was overwhelmingly skewed towards the Democratic party due to the personal affiliation of most Twitter employees at the time.
Now, Elon Musk fans have begun to worry about his safety, some are joking, some are not.
Elon Musk is now putting the fire onto seriously powerful individuals, including the current President of the United States Joe Biden, whose son is the center of the original scandal.

Constitutional Law Professor Randy Barnett tweeted soon after the “Twitter Files” released “Elon better have the best security detail that money can buy.”
Another Twitter user under the username @Marfoogle said in jest “We were beginning to think someone put something in your popcorn!”
This user was referring to the fact that the tweet thread came later than expected, leading some fans to believe that he had been silenced before getting the chance to release it. Elon Musk had tweeted out earlier in the day that he would be releasing the story later that day.
There was a lot to unpack in this thread, and according to Musk there is a part 2 that is coming tomorrow.
NFT Magazine did a full story on all of the details about the thread that you can read here.
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