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Apple’s $50M Advertising Budget Is Coming Back To Twitter According To Elon Musk

Picture of Neko Dellola

Neko Dellola

Elon Musk Twitter Advertising Apple Returns Tim Cook

During a two-hour Twitter Spaces talk on December 3rd, Twitter CEO Elon Musk declared that Apple has now “fully resumed” promoting upon this social media platform. Additionally, Musk reaffirmed that Apple is Twitter’s top marketer.

Musk remarked that Apple is the biggest advertiser on the social media app during the discussion on the Twitter Space Saturday. During the talk, which had over 90,000 participants, the billionaire spoke for over two hours from his private plane, but didn’t go into deeper details about Apple.

Several days ago, Musk accused Apple of hating “free speech,” and that they were “making moderation demands,” which led to the company to stop paid advertising on the app. This sparked a fire of controversy throughout social media about the conflict. Musk added in a statement on Twitter that Apple had “largely ceased” running advertisements on the platform and also threatened to “withhold Twitter from its App Store.”

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Two days after those remarks, Musk visited Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, and ultimately changed his mind. Cook “was clear that Apple never considered doing so,” according to Musk, who claimed that there had actually been a “misunderstanding” regarding Twitter getting pulled both from App Store.

Musk claimed that Cook took him on a tour of Apple Park which led to a “good conversation” leading to Apple deciding to resume Twitter advertisements.

Apple has yet to comment on Musk’s remarks about advertising on the platform. Musk tweeted in the thread of the December 3rd Twitter Space to “thank advertisers for returning to Twitter.”


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